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Submit Description for a Slurm Job.


Name Type Description Default
**kwargs Any

Any valid Attribute this object has



Name Type Description
name str

Name of the Job, same as -J/--job-name from sbatch.

account str

Account of the job, same as -A/--account from sbatch.

user_id Union[str, int]

Run the job as a different User, same as --uid from sbatch. This requires root privileges. You can both specify the name or numeric uid of the User.

group_id Union[str, int]

Run the job as a different Group, same as --gid from sbatch. This requires root privileges. You can both specify the name or numeric gid of the User.

priority int

Specific priority the Job will receive. Same as --priority from sbatch. You can achieve the behaviour of sbatch's --hold option by specifying a priority of 0.

site_factor int

Site Factor of the Job. Only used when updating an existing Job.

wckey str

WCKey to use with the Job, same as --wckey from sbatch.

array str

Job Array specification, same as -a/--array from sbatch.

batch_constraints str

Batch Features of a Job, same as --batch from sbatch.

begin_time str

Defer allocation until the specified time, same as --begin from sbatch.

clusters Union[list, str]

Clusters the job may run on, same as -M/--clusters from sbatch.

cluster_constraints str

Comma-separated str with cluster constraints for the job. This is the same as --cluster-constraint from sbatch.

comment str

Arbitrary job comment, same as --comment from sbatch.

admin_comment str

Arbitrary job admin comment. Only used when updating an existing job.

requires_contiguous_nodes bool

Whether allocated Nodes are required to form a contiguous set. Same as --contiguous from sbatch.

cores_reserved_for_system int

Count of cores reserved for system not usable by the Job. Same as -S/--core-spec from sbatch. Mutually exclusive with threads_reserved_for_system.

threads_reserved_for_system int

Count of threads reserved for system not usable by the Job. Same as --thread-spec from sbatch. Mutually exclusive with cores_reserved_for_system.

working_directory str

Work directory for the Job. Default is current work-dir from where the job was submitted. Same as -D/--chdir from sbatch.

cpu_frequency Union[dict, str]

CPU Frequency for the Job, same as --cpu-freq from sbatch.

For example, specifying it as a dict:

cpu_frequency = {
    "min": "Low",
    "max": "High",
    "governor": "UserSpace"

or like in sbatch with a string. For more info on that, check out the sbatch documentation for --cpu-freq.

If you only want to set a Governor without any min or max, you can simply specify it as a standalone string:

cpu_frequency = "Performance"
cpu_frequency = {"governor": "Performance"}

If you want to set a specific, fixed frequency, you can do:

cpu_frequency = <frequency in kilohertz>
or either
cpu_frequency = {"max": <freq>} or cpu_freq = {"min": <freq>}
nodes Union[dict, str, int]

Amount of nodes needed for the job. This is the same as -N/--nodes from sbatch.

For example, providing min/max nodes as a dict:

nodes = {
    "min": 3,
    "max": 6

When no range is needed, you can also simply specify it as int:

nodes = 3

Other than that, a range can also be specified in a str like with sbatch:

nodes = "1-5"
deadline str

Deadline specification for the Job, same as --deadline from sbatch.

delay_boot_time Union[str, int]

Delay boot specification for the Job, same as --delay-boot from sbatch.

dependencies Union[dict, str]

Dependencies for the Job, same as -d/--dependency from sbatch.

excluded_nodes Union[list, str]

Exclude specific nodes for this Job. This is the same as -x/--exclude from sbatch.

required_nodes Union[list, str]

Specific list of nodes required for the Job. This is the same as -w/--nodelist from sbatch.

constraints str

Required node features for the Job. This is the same as -C/--constraint from sbatch.

kill_on_node_fail bool

Should the job get killed if one of the Nodes fails? This is the same as -k/--no-kill from sbatch.

licenses Union[list, str]

A list of licenses for the Job. This is the same as -L/--licenses from sbatch.

mail_user Union[list, str]

List of email addresses for notifications. This is the same as --mail-user from sbatch.

mail_types Union[list, str]

List of mail flags. This is the same as --mail-type from sbatch.

mcs_label str

An MCS Label for the Job. This is the same as --mcs-label from sbatch.

memory_per_cpu Union[str, int]

Memory required per allocated CPU.

The default unit is in Mebibytes. You are also able to specify unit suffixes like K|M|G|T. This is the same as --mem-per-cpu from sbatch. This is mutually exclusive with memory_per_node and memory_per_gpu.


# 1 MiB
memory_per_cpu = 1024

# 3 GiB
memory_per_cpu = "3G"
memory_per_node Union[str, int]

Memory required per whole node.

The default unit is in Mebibytes. You are also able to specify unit suffixes like K|M|G|T. This is the same as --mem from sbatch. This is mutually exclusive with memory_per_cpu and memory_per_gpu.


# 1 MiB
memory_per_node = 1024

# 3 GiB
memory_per_node = "3G"
memory_per_gpu Union[str, int]

Memory required per GPU.

The default unit is in Mebibytes. You are also able to specify unit suffixes like K|M|G|T. This is the same as --mem-per-gpu from sbatch. This is mutually exclusive with memory_per_node and memory_per_cpu.


# 1 MiB
memory_per_gpu = 1024

# 3 GiB
memory_per_gpu = "3G"
network str

Network types for the Job. This is the same as --network from sbatch.

nice int

Adjusted scheduling priority for the Job. This is the same as --nice from sbatch.

log_files_open_mode str

Mode in which standard_output and standard_error log files should be opened. This is the same as --open-mode from sbatch.

Valid options are:

  • append
  • truncate
overcommit bool

If the resources should be overcommitted. This is the same as -O/--overcommit from sbatch.

partitions Union[list, str]

A list of partitions the Job may use. This is the same as -p/--partition from sbatch.

accounting_gather_frequency Union[dict, str]

Interval for accounting info to be gathered. This is the same as --acctg-freq from sbatch.

For example, specifying it as a dict:

accounting_gather_frequency = {

or as a single string:

accounting_gather_frequency = "energy=60,network=20"
qos str

Quality of Service for the Job. This is the same as -q/--qos from sbatch.

requires_node_reboot bool

Force the allocated nodes to reboot before the job starts. This is the same --reboot from sbatch.

is_requeueable bool

If the Job is eligible for requeuing. This is the same as --requeue from sbatch.

reservations Union[list, str]

A list of possible reservations the Job can use. This is the same as --reservation from sbatch.

script str

Absolute Path or content of the batch script.

You can specify either a path to a script which will be loaded, or you can pass the script as a string. If the script is passed as a string, providing arguments to it (see script_args) is not supported.

script_args str

Arguments passed to the batch script. You can only set arguments if a file path was specified for script.

environment Union[dict, str]

Environment variables to be set for the Job. This is the same as --export from sbatch.

resource_sharing str

Controls the resource sharing with other Jobs. This property combines functionality of --oversubscribe and --exclusive from sbatch.

Allowed values are are:

  • oversubscribe or yes:

    The Job allows resources to be shared with other running Jobs.

  • user:

    Only sharing resources with other Jobs that have the "user" option set is allowed

  • mcs:

    Only sharing resources with other Jobs that have the "mcs" option set is allowed.

  • no or exclusive:

    No sharing of resources is allowed. (--exclusive from sbatch)

distribution str

Task distribution for the Job, same as --distribution from sbatch

time_limit str

The time limit for the job. This is the same as -t/--time from sbatch.

time_limit_min str

A minimum time limit for the Job. This is the same as --time-min from sbatch.

container str

Path to an OCI container bundle. This is the same as --container from sbatch.

cpus_per_task int

The amount of cpus required for each task.

This is the same as -c/--cpus-per-task from sbatch. This is mutually exclusive with cpus_per_gpu.

cpus_per_gpu int

The amount of cpus required for each allocated GPU.

This is the same as --cpus-per-gpu from sbatch. This is mutually exclusive with cpus_per_task.

sockets_per_node int

Restrict Job to nodes with at least this many sockets. This is the same as --sockets-per-node from sbatch.

cores_per_socket int

Restrict Job to nodes with at least this many cores per socket This is the same as --cores-per-socket from sbatch.

threads_per_core int

Restrict Job to nodes with at least this many threads per socket This is the same as --threads-per-core from sbatch.

gpus Union[dict, str, int]

GPUs for the Job to be allocated in total. This is the same as -G/--gpus from sbatch. Specifying the type of the GPU is optional.

For example, specifying the GPU counts as a dict:

gpus = {
    "tesla": 1,
    "volta": 5,

Or, for example, in string format:

gpus = "tesla:1,volta:5"

Or, if you don't care about the type of the GPU:

gpus = 6
gpus_per_socket Union[dict, str, int]

GPUs for the Job to be allocated per socket.

This is the same as --gpus-per-socket from sbatch.

Specifying the type of the GPU is optional. Note that setting gpus_per_socket requires to also specify sockets_per_node.

For example, specifying it as a dict:

gpus_per_socket = {
    "tesla": 1,
    "volta": 5,

Or, for example, in string format:

gpus_per_socket = "tesla:1,volta:5"

Or, if you don't care about the type of the GPU:

gpus_per_socket = 6
gpus_per_task Union[dict, str, int]

GPUs for the Job to be allocated per task.

This is the same as --gpus-per-task from sbatch.

Specifying the type of the GPU is optional. Note that setting gpus_per_task requires to also specify either one of ntasks or gpus.

For example, specifying it as a dict:

gpus_per_task = {
    "tesla": 1,
    "volta": 5,

Or, for example, in string format:

gpus_per_task = "tesla:1,volta:5"

Or, if you don't care about the type of the GPU:

gpus_per_task = 6
gres_per_node Union[dict, str]

Generic resources to be allocated per node.

This is the same as --gres from sbatch. You should also use this option if you want to specify GPUs per node (--gpus-per-node). Specifying the type (by separating GRES name and type with a semicolon) is optional.

For example, specifying it as a dict:

gres_per_node = {
    "gpu:tesla": 1,
    "gpu:volta": 5,

Or, for example, in string format:

gres_per_node = "gpu:tesla:1,gpu:volta:5"

GPU Gres without a specific type:

gres_per_node = "gpu:6"
gpu_binding str

Specify GPU binding for the Job. This is the same as --gpu-bind from sbatch.

ntasks int

Maximum amount of tasks for the Job. This is the same as -n/--ntasks from sbatch.

ntasks_per_node int

Amount of tasks to be invoked on each node. This is the same as --ntasks-per-node from sbatch.

ntasks_per_socket int

Maximum amount of tasks to be invoked on each socket. This is the same as --ntasks-per-socket from sbatch.

ntasks_per_core int

Maximum amount of tasks to be invoked on each core. This is the same as --ntasks-per-core from sbatch.

ntasks_per_gpu int

Amount of tasks to be invoked per GPU. This is the same as --ntasks-per-socket from sbatch.

switches Union[dict, str, int]

Maximum amount of leaf switches and wait time desired.

This can also optionally include a maximum waiting time for these switches. This is the same as --switches from sbatch.

For example, specifying it as a dict:

switches = { "count": 5, "max_wait_time": "00:10:00" }

Or as a single string (sbatch-style):

switches = "5@00:10:00"
signal Union[dict, str]

Warn signal to be sent to the Job.

This is the same as --signal from sbatch. The signal can both be specified with its name, e.g. "SIGKILL", or as a number, e.g. 9

For example, specifying it as a dict:

signal = {
    "signal": "SIGKILL",
    "time": 120

The above will send a "SIGKILL" signal 120 seconds before the Jobs' time limit is reached.

Or, specifying it as a string (sbatch-style):

signal = "SIGKILL@120"
standard_in str

Path to a File acting as standard_in for the batch-script. This is the same as -i/--input from sbatch.

standard_error str

Path to a File acting as standard_error for the batch-script. This is the same as -e/--error from sbatch.

standard_output str

Path to a File to write the Jobs standard_output. This is the same as -o/--output from sbatch.

kill_on_invalid_dependency bool

Kill the job if it has an invalid dependency. This is the same as --kill-on-invalid-dep from sbatch.

spreads_over_nodes bool

Spread the Job over as many nodes as possible. This is the same as --spread-job from sbatch.

use_min_nodes bool

Prefer the minimum amount of nodes specified. This is the same as --use-min-nodes from sbatch.

gres_binding str

Generic resource task binding options. This is contained in the --gres-flags option from sbatch.

Possible values are:

  • enforce-binding
  • disable-binding
gres_tasks_per_sharing str

Shared GRES Tasks This is contained in the --gres-flags option from sbatch.

Possible values are:

  • multiple or multiple-tasks-per-sharing
  • one or one-task-per-sharing
temporary_disk_per_node Union[str, int]

Amount of temporary disk space needed per node.

This is the same as --tmp from sbatch. You can specify units like K|M|G|T (multiples of 1024). If no unit is specified, the value will be assumed as Mebibytes.


# 2048 MiB
tmp_disk_per_node = "2G"

# 1024 MiB
tmp_disk_per_node = 1024
get_user_environment Union[str, bool, int]


min_cpus_per_node str

Set the minimum amount of CPUs required per Node. This is the same as --mincpus from sbatch.

wait_all_nodes bool

Controls when the execution of the command begins.

A value of True means that the Job should begin execution only after all nodes in the allocation are ready. Setting it to False, the default, means that it is not waited for the nodes to be ready. (i.e booted)

load_environment(overwrite=False) method descriptor

Load values of attributes provided through the environment.


Instead of SBATCH_, pyslurm uses PYSLURM_JOBDESC_ as a prefix to identify environment variables which should be used to set attributes.


Name Type Description Default
overwrite bool

If set to True, the value from an option found in the environment will override the current value of the attribute in this instance. Default is False



Lets consider you want to set the name of the Job, its Account name and that the Job cannot be requeued. Therefore, you will need to have set these environment variables:

export PYSLURM_JOBDESC_ACCOUNT="myaccount"
export PYSLURM_JOBDESC_NAME="myjobname"

As you can see above, boolean values should be the literal strings "False" or "True". In python, you can do this now:

>>> import pyslurm
>>> desc = pyslurm.JobSubmitDescription(...other args...)
>>> desc.load_environment()
>>> print(, desc.account, desc.is_requeueable)
myjobname, myaccount, False

load_sbatch_options(overwrite=False) method descriptor

Load values from #SBATCH options in the batch script.


Name Type Description Default
overwrite bool

If set to True, the value from an option found in the in the batch script will override the current value of the attribute in this instance. Default is False


submit() method descriptor

Submit a batch job description.


Type Description

The ID of the submitted Job.


Type Description

When the job submission was not successful.


>>> import pyslurm
>>> desc = pyslurm.JobSubmitDescription(
...     name="test-job",
...     cpus_per_task=1,
...     time_limit="10-00:00:00",
...     script="/path/to/your/")
>>> job_id = desc.submit()
>>> print(job_id)